Our Services

What we offer

Onsite firewood processing

Starting with an entire downed tree or pre cut rounds from a tree company, we will process them into firewood. Including cutting and bucking a tree into rounds and then splitting that into firewood.

Built to order firewood racks

We build pallet based racks which elevate your firewood off of the ground preventing rot, allowing airflow underneath of the stack, and protecting your investment for many years to come. The ends of the rack are built with pressure treated and heated treated lumber, as well as exterior grade screws and nails. The rack dimensions can be changed to fit your needs.

Firewood Stacking

Once the wood has been split we will stack it neatly so that it can season (dry) properly. Using our racks helps in the seasoning process because air can circulate through the stack as well as underneath. A cord of firewood is stacked firewood 4’X4’X8’. These racks are close in size and can be built to accommodate multiple cords of wood in a single rack. The stacked firewood in the rack is extremely solid and resistant to tipping over.

5 Star Clean Up

After all of the Splitting and Stacking is finished we thoroughly clean up the job site. How we leave your property is just as important to us as the splitting itself.

Firewood Rack, Pallet rack, firewood stacking rack.
Tree cut into rounds. Not split yet into firewood
Firewood stacked in a pallet rack.
Firewood stacked in a rack with a tarp ontop.
Split firewood in a large pile.
Tree cut up, large pile, disorganized yard.
Cleaned up yard after tree removal. Stacked split firewood.
Firewood being split.
Cleaned up yard after wood splitting.
Downed tree, fallen tree in the yard.
Cleaned up yard after downed tree removal.



